You can now register for Spring 2025 Athletics via the link below.
If there are not enough players or coaches to have a team, your money will be refunded.
2025 Spring Sports (5th-8th Grade)
Registration for Boys Volleyball will close on Sunday, February 16th.
Registration will close for Girls Softball and Co-ed Track on Sunday, March 16th.
You can now register for Winter 2024-25 Athletics via the link below.
Click Here for 24/25 Winter Sports Registration
If there are not enough players or coaches to have a team, your money will be refunded.
Winter 2024-25 Sports (4th-8th Grade)
Welcome 4th grade families! Please use the link above to register your son or daughter for our first year of St. Raymond Basketball at the 4th grade level! Before the season starts coaches and parents will have a brief meeting to go over some of the goals for the 4th grade basketball program. More information on this to come!
Basketball season runs from mid-October through January.
Registration will close November 3rd.
You can now register for Fall 2024 Athletics via the link below.
Fall 2024 Activities
Registration for Fall activities will close on Sunday, July 28th!!
January 19th - 22nd
Location: St. Raymond PLC and Lincoln JH Busse and West Gyms
Volunteers Needed! Click Here to sign up for scoreboard, scorebook, admissions, concessions, etc. !
Interested in donating? Reach out to our tournament coordinator, Mike Adam!
Saturday, December 10th and Sunday, December 11th
Pool play - Saturday from 9am - 2pm
First round - Saturday at 7pm and 8pm
Semifinals - Sunday at 1pm and 2pm
Third Place Game - Sunday at 4pm
Championship Game - Sunday at 5pm
50/50 Raffle tickets and T-shirts available for purchase at the games!!
Come support our 8th grade girls on Saturday as they take on St. Paul Lutheran at 9am and FHC at 11am! Let's go Saints!!
Monday, January 31st
Community Room
7th Boys Basketball: Arrive by (3:50 pm) Pictures at (4:00 pm)
8th Boys Basketball: Arrive by (4:20 pm) Pictures at (4:30 pm)
5th Girls Basketball: Arrive by (4:50 pm) Pictures at (5:00 pm)
5th Boys Basketball: Arrive by (5:20 pm) Pictures at (5:30 pm)
6th Girls Basketball: Arrive by (5:50 pm) Pictures at (6:00 pm)
6th Boys Basketball: Arrive by (6:20 pm) Pictures at (6:30 pm)
8th Girls Basketball: Arrive by (6:50 pm) Pictures at (7:00 pm)
Athletes should enter through the church doors or the community room doors located in the courtyard.
Please have your son or daughter at the community room by the 'arrive by' time to avoid them being left out of the team photo.
In order to receive photos you will need to pay ONLINE before or on picture day!
January 20 - 23
St. Raymond and Lincoln JH Gyms
Competitive action on the court - Raffle prizes - Three-point shooting contests during half-time
Come out and support our 8th Grade Saints!!
Joey Sykes Basketball Tournament Home Page
Click here if you would like to volunteer and help out!
*Masks required at all times*
*No concessions will be served*
Boys Basketball Evaluations will be October 23rd
6th and 7th grades will not require evaluations as there are only enough athletes for one team in each grade.
Evaluation times are as follows:
5th grade: 8:30 am - 2 Teams split evenly
6th grade: No Evaluations - 1 Team
7th grade: No Evaluations - 1 Team
8th grade: 9:45 am - 2 Teams split into Gold and Silver
If you have a son in 5th or 8th grade and have not received an email from me regarding evaluations then please let me know.
Athletes should come dressed in their jersey top and bottom!
All payments should be done online, prior to pictures being taken. Forms that explain how to do so were handed out to Fall sports athletes at school.
Pictures will take place in the Community Room. Families can enter through the gym doors.
All athletes are asked to arrive 10 minutes prior to their teams time so they can be sorted from shortest to tallest.
5th/6th Cross Country: Arrive by (5:20pm) Pictures at (5:30pm)
7th/8th Cross Country: Arrive by (5:50pm) Pictures at (6:00pm)
5th Girls Volleyball: Arrive by (6:20pm) Pictures at (6:30pm)
6th Girls Volleyball: Arrive by (6:50pm) Pictures at (7:00pm)
7th Girls Volleyball: Arrive by (7:20pm) Pictures at (7:30pm)
8th Girls Volleyball: Arrive by (7:50pm) Pictures at (8:00pm)
Any questions please don't hesitate to reach out!
Girls Volleyball Jersey Pick-Up will be this Tuesday, September 7 in the gym!
Please see your childs grade level and their time slot to come pick up their jerseys below.
8th Grade: 5:00 - 5:30 pm
7th Grade: 5:30 - 6:00 pm
6th Grade: 6:00 - 6:30 pm
5th Grade: 6:30 - 7:00 pm
If you cannot pick up your daughters jersey that night then please contact me so I can get her a jersey at some point during school.
Thank you!
Dear Parents,
The Archdiocese of Chicago, after studying state guidelines, has decided to cancel all winter sports competitions, as such:
ALL NWCC Winter athletic events have been canceled.
Additionally, St. Raymond will not have practices for these sports this winter.
NWCC Winter Sports Impacted
Spring Sports are still TBD, the status of which will be decided in the coming months. NWCC AD's are open to holding Cross-Country and Girls Volleyball in the spring season, if pandemic conditions and Arch/IDPH, etc., allow for play in the spring.
If you have questions please contact me
Josh Vernoski
Athletic Director - St. Raymond
Dear Parents,
The Archdiocese of Chicago, after studying state guidelines, has decided to cancel all fall sports competitions, as such:
ALL NWCC Fall athletic events have been canceled.
Additionally, St. Raymond will not have practices for these sports this fall.
NWCC Fall Sports Impacted
NWCC AD's are open to holding Cross-Country and Girls Volleyball in the spring season, if pandemic conditions and Arch/IDPH, etc., allow for play in the spring.
Winter and Spring Sports are still TBD, the status of which will be decided in the coming months.
If you have questions please contact me
Josh Vernoski
Athletic Director - St. Raymond
Parents and Guardians,
Uniform returns will begin in conjunction with the school's end of year pick up and drop off schedule . Pick up and drop off begins TUESDAY, May 26, and goes though MONDAY, June 1, following the attached schedule.
Please make sure any uniforms you may have in your posession for any sport but espicially Girls Basketball, Boys Basketball and Boys Volleyball, are returned per the following directions
Please place clean (washed) uniform in a ziplock bag clearly labeled with student name and homeroom teacher.
Thank you very much for your cooperation and please make all efforst to return uniforms as it keep us from purchaing replacement uniformas and help keep costs down for everyone.
Thank you to all of our student athletes, coaches, parents and volunteers who made this year in athletics possible. Stay safe and healthy and go saints!
Josh Vernoski
Athletic Director
Dear Parents,
ALL NWCC athletic events have postponed/canceled starting until after Spring Break at the earliest.
Additionally all St. Raymond's Practices are canceled until further notice, per Mary Eileen and AD's reccomendation.
The NWCC Comissioner and AD's will work with member schools, as guided by the Archdiocese, to determine the course of action regarding athletic events after spring break.
If you have questions please contact me
Josh Vernoski
Athletic Director - St. Raymond
St. Raymond School (SRS) is concerned with the development of the WHOLE person—the religious, moral, social, and academic dimensions as well as the physical. We believe that athletics is an important part of student development. Through participation in the St. Raymond Athletic Program, students will develop life-long skills and positive values. These values include: self-discipline, integrity, respect for rules and regulations, teamwork, leadership, healthful living habits, and the ability to participate in athletics with dignity and grace.
It is our belief that participation in athletic activities is a privilege and not an absolute right of St. Raymond School students and parents. Students and parents alike, whether as athletes, coaches, spectators, or supporters who elect to represent St. Raymond Athletics and to take part in competitive athletic activities must also accept the responsibility to conduct themselves in a manner that exemplifies the Christian beliefs and values of the Parish and School.
Interested in becoming a sponsor of Saint Raymond Saints?